Intro to Startup anti-pattern Series

An anti-pattern is a commonly used process, structure, or pattern of action that, despite initially appearing to be an appropriate and effective response to a problem, has more bad consequences than good ones.

Simeon Simeonov first wrote an introduction to the value of startup anti-patterns back in 2013. To sum it up, it’s hard to pinpoint the exact set of reasons startups succeed, but experienced entrepreneurs and investors have a good sense of what drives startups’ failures.

Startup anti-patterns are all about that — patterns that increase the risks associated with startups (hey, it’s a risky business to begin with). Pursuing an anti-pattern doesn’t mean that your company will die tomorrow or in the next year, but each anti-pattern adds-up and could lead to clouding your focus and hampering your ability to execute.

Together with Itamar Novick from Recursive Ventures, Simeon Simeonov is bringing the Startup anti-pattern series to life. Stay tuned for more in this series as we work through each anti-pattern with tangible examples from our experiences as founders and investors in 100+ startups, and the experiences of guest founders from our portfolio.

Startup Anti-Patterns full list (work in progress…)

Studying repeatable patterns of startup failure (startup anti-patterns) is more useful than studying non-repeatable strategies for startup success.

Top Startup Anti-Patterns:

  1. Elephant hunting
  2. Ignorance
  3. Platform risk
  4. If you build it, they will come
  5. Bad revenue
  6. Chasing the competition
  7. Chasing Blue Oceans
  8. Analysis paralysis
  9. (Founder) Arrogance
  10. Boiling the ocean
  11. Attribution risk
  12. Bleeding on the edge
  13. Bridge to nowhere
  14. Changing strategy instead of execution
  15. Confirmation bias
  16. Confusing activity with results
  17. Consulting to product
  18. Death by pivot
  19. Deathmarch
  20. Delayed scaling
  21. Demand generation
  22. Design by committee
  23. Designing for investors
  24. Drag
  25. Escalation of commitment
  26. Escape to the familiar
  27. Escapism
  28. Featuritis
  29. Forward thinking
  30. Founderitis
  31. Groupthink
  32. Hail Mary
  33. Ivory tower
  34. Lack of focus
  35. Lagging indicators
  36. Learned helplessness
  37. Long feedback cycles
  38. Lying to investors
  39. Magic salesperson
  40. Mentor whiplash
  41. Missing your exit
  42. Myopic bootstrapping
  43. Next round only
  44. Not knowing your investors
  45. One-off customization
  46. Oooh, shiny!
  47. Overengineering
  48. Overselling
  49. Oversteering
  50. Platform trap
  51. Premature optimization
  52. Premature scaling
  53. Promiscuity
  54. Proof by anecdote
  55. Pushing a rope
  56. Raising too little
  57. Random founders
  58. Scapegoat
  59. Second class citizens
  60. Seed extensions
  61. Secrecy
  62. Silver bullet
  63. Spreadsheet Bingo
  64. Stovepipes
  65. The one idea entrepreneur
  66. Top-down planning
  67. Uber pivot
  68. Underqualifying
  69. Unicorn hunting
  70. Unrealistic expectations
  71. Warm bodies
  72. Weak board
  73. Yes man
  74. Zombie
  75. Outsourcing your architecture (via Alan Neveu)

Note: the list is not “drawn to scale.” Some anti-patterns occur more frequently than others and some are more likely to cause a startup to fail than others. 

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